DD Dáiddareahket
- Lágideapmi Lágideapmi
- Location Dáiddadállu - Sámi Artist Network, Guovdageaidnu
- When Lágideapmi lea loahpahuvvon
- DD Dáiddareahket Rabas buohkaide
Dan jági mii almmuhit fas boares konseaptta mii lea gohčoduvvon DD Dáiddareahket mas čájeha sámi ja eamialbmotdáidaga. DD Dáiddareahket galgašii leat oktii mánus ja boahtá ovdanit ja hapmašuvva nu mo dáidda galgá. Dii lehpet buohkat bures boahtin searvat evttohusaiguin, sávaldagaiguin maid dii háliidehpet oaidnit dan botta go mii álgit vuosttaá gussiin: Boahtte vahkku, ođđajagemánu 17.b. db 19:00, boahtá eamialbmotdáiddar aqui Thami Guovdageaidnui vai hupmat ieža dáidaga ja eallima birra. Govva: Rachel King.
- aqui Thami, a Thangmi woman from the Kiratima community, the first peoples of the Himalayas, navigates a unique and transformative artistic practice. Her work embodies the DIY ethos, self-publishing, and guerrilla poster, seamlessly integrating ceremonial practices to address urgent social and political issues.
aqui's journey is a tapestry of resilience and healing, interwoven with her experiences and those of her collaborators. Honored with awards and residencies like the V&A VARI and Blak C.O.R.E fellowship, her presence is felt in international exhibitions and performances.
Central to aqui’s practice are the Sister Library and Sister Radio, vital spaces for indigenous and feminist dialogues. The Sister Library, a pioneering community-owned feminist library in South Asia, celebrates female creativity by housing works of women writers, artists, and zine makers. Sister Press combats sexist stereotypes through bi-monthly publications.
Her street art intervention, "A Woman Was Harassed Here," powerfully addresses gender-based violence. aqui's ceremonial practices, like "Breathing with My Baje" and "shrine for boju," indigenize art by incorporating rituals that honor her heritage and foster communal healing. Additionally, she co-founded the Dharavi Art Room and Bombay Underground, initiatives that empower marginalized communities through art. Through innovative use of public spaces and self-publishing, aqui Thami reclaims agency, addresses intergenerational trauma, and fosters cultural revival and social change, inspiring audiences worldwide. -