Popart-artist to Dáiddadállu
We are delighted to have gained another artist partner in house! Kamilla Marie Triumf is from Kautokeino, and she works with street art and pop art, and has also started drawing digitally. She has attended Karasjok Art School for two years, and is now back in Kautokeino.

Art exhibition in Tromsø at a clothing store
Kamilla exhibits her work at the Sami clothing store Laš. There she gets the opportunity to be more visible, and she thinks that's great.
- The owner of Laš, Kajsa, asked me if I would like to exhibit my photos in her shop. It's really fun to be asked, she says.
Modern art
- I find myself in the pop art and street art genre, which is not common in Sápmi. I like to mix Sami elements with the present, and in that way show that we Sami live in a modern age. It is very motivating and fun to be together with other artist partners in Dáiddadállu. It is important that Sami artists stick together and work towards getting their art seen, concludes Kamilla.
Dáiddadállu @ Instagram and Facebook
We are on Instagram: daiddadallu, and on Facebook: “Dáiddadállu – Artist Collective Kautokeino”. Our new artist partner can be found on the following pages:
Instagram: @kmtriumf
Facebook: @Kmtriumf
Feel free to follow us!