N2 "Buvttahápmen ja ođasmahtti ekonomálaš ovdánahttin
- Project type Dáidda ealáhussan
- Gos Guovdageaidnu
Dát ášši lea dušše dáro ja eaŋgalasgillii. Dás sáhtat lohkat eaŋgalas teavstta: The main goal of the project has been to ensure that the high demand for Sámi art is converted into sustainable and maximum value for the artist partners, the network, and the Sámi community.
Art as an Industry
This project is one of the largest in the history of Dáiddadállu.
The project had the following main goals:
- Maximize the synergies between demand, Dáiddadállu, and artist partners
- Increase the profitability for artist partners
- Increase the profitability for Dáiddadállu
- Ensure and further develop a sustainable Dáiddadállu as an important institution for Sámi artists
- Activities
Activities to strengthen artist partners:
- Network gatherings
- Skills development through courses and workshops
- One-on-one development conversations
- Development of own business
- Testing of own products/services
- Branding of own business
- Participation in surveys
- Development of Dáiddadállu's services
Activities to strengthen Dáiddadállu:
- Thorough analysis work laid the foundation for focus areas in the project (SWOT analysis)
- Internal restructuring
- Competence building
- Development, testing, and launching of services and products
- Development of pricing models and calculations
- Development of a new visual identity in line with the focus
- Website development
- Participation in other networks

The project has been a collaboration between artist partners and the administration. We also provided individual follow-up of artist partners to map out individual products, roles in Dáiddadállu, development of the artist partners' own business models, and development of the artist partners' products in collaboration and synergy with Dáiddadállu's business model.
What can we deliver together, and how do we systematize intangible products to increase earnings for all parties? The answers are here on our new websites under services.
An important aspect of this work has been to develop profitable products for the network that do not cannibalize the artist partners' own products and services. We feel we have succeeded in this.
Courses and Workshops
During the project period, we gathered the administration in Dáiddadállu, artist partners, and relevant professionals for selected courses, workshops, and meetings.
Themes for the courses have included:
- Workshop: Dáiddadállu in a dream scenario? By project manager Anja Graven, House of Sápmi
- Level up, how to work and think big? By multi-artist Elle Sofe Sara, Elle Sofe Company
- We rig for success! - Goals, mindset, and money mindset. By project manager Anja Graven, House of Sápmi
- Branding – What is unique about you and how to build your brand? By project manager Anja Graven, House of Sápmi
- Innovation and innovation processes – how do innovation processes work and how to work specifically with innovation towards experience-based services? By Dorthe Helen Næss Eide, Nord University Business School
- By Siw Bang Larsen, advisor at Innovation Norway
- How to build a business that amplifies your message? By artist and entrepreneur Eva Kittelsen from My Visible Mend
- Reactive or proactive? - Reflections and evaluation of own goals. By project manager Anja Graven, House of Sápmi
- Motivational talk; The Power of the Collective. By Maria Utsi
- Digital art, opportunities, and pitfalls. By Kine Yvonne Kjær, Kine Kunst
- Intangible rights in a Sámi business perspective. By Solveig Ballo, Sápmi Ealhusgárdi
- The Power of the Collective from a DD perspective. By Katarina Påve Gaup, Arctic Prime
- Dáiddadállu digitally - opportunities and new services. Workshop by project manager Anja Graven

«Dát prošeakta leamaš okta daid mávssoleamos prošeavttain maidguin lean bargan. Váibmu leamaš sajis go sámi lunddolaš ja ollislaš jurddašeapmi leamaš nannosit guovddážis, lean maid sihkar ahte justa dát buvttahii min daid buoremus čovdosiidda. Mu váimmu guovdu dán prošeavttas leamaš ahte ii galgga dárbbašit válljet buori ruđalaš gánnihahttivuođa ja árvvuid gaska, muhto ahte gánnihahttivuohta galgá boahttit lunddolaš boađusin nanabistevaš doaimmaid ja bálvalusaid bokte.»
The project has resulted in a more robust Dáiddadállu, strategically selected products and services that are sustainable and create the greatest possible value for artist partners and Dáiddadállu. We have gained an overview of products and services that create a win-win situation for the network and artist partners and do not cannibalize the artist partners' own operations. Even though artist partners provide services in and with Dáiddadállu as a network, it is important to remember that all are also independent artists with art as their main source of income. As we can see the project has positively contributed to our artist partners growth individually as well.
- Restructuring of Dáiddadállu
- Internal systems for more efficient operation
- Defined set of values
- New services and art packages
- Pricing models and calculations
- New visual identity
- New websites
About the Project Funds
N2 is a three-year supplier development program where owners and partners have joined forces to create a comprehensive overarching effort in Northern Norway. The owners of N2 are the County Councils of Nordland, and Troms and Finnmark counties, and the Sámi Parliament, with partners including Innovation Norway and the Research Council of Norway. The program aims to create a forward-looking business sector through increased focus on innovations, enhanced competitiveness among suppliers and knowledge environments. We would like to extend a big thank you to the owners of the N2 program, especially the Finnmark County Councils, with whom we have had the most contact during the project period and who have had great faith in the project! We would also like to thank OVDDOS - the restructuring organization in Kautokeino, which has contributed financial support to the project.
Many thanks!

«We find that the N2 project has been very positive and important for the development of a sustainable Dáiddadállu. I have great faith that the project will bring Dáiddadállu significant positive results from the immense intangible value that lies in our unique and distinct competence, experience, and network.»
Áleht Lemet Máreha Anja / Anja G. Graven
Máret Ánne Sara
Dine Fenger Lynge
Máret Ánne Sara, Dine Fenger Lynge, Elle Sofe Sara, Katarina Påve Gaup, Anja G.Graven