Dáiddadállu temporarily locks the doors
Since its inception in 2014, Dáiddadállu has rented premises at Kautokeino Arbeidssenter. Now the artists are leaving the building and closing the doors until a new venue is in place.
- This concludes an important chapter that started seven years ago, with good cooperation with the municipality and the employment centre. It's a bit sad, but at the same time an exciting time is now starting, say general manager Dine Arnannguaq Fenger Lynge and board chair Maret Anne Sara, who on Friday locked the doors for the last time at the old nursing home.
Temporary home office
- We will not stop operations in any way. We continue to work for our artists and the arts with skills development, networking, our projects and collaboration. What changes is that we temporarily lose a physical workplace and meeting place, and then work from home. This situation forces us to think differently and can also bring forward exciting visions for the future. It was a high increase in the rent that made us choose to leave the work centre. Up until now we have paid a decent rent, but for us it is not right to pay even more for such an old premises that has defects and which no longer suits Dáiddadállu's needs, explains Máret Anne Sara, who started the artist collective.

Máret Ánne Sara. Photo: Marie Louise Somby/Árvu
Working on a better solution
Dáiddadállu, as we have worked and existed, will temporarily disappear from Kautokeino municipality.
- Tourism operators, educational institutions, art and cultural institutions and the municipality itself often come to us for our expertise and cooperation. Now it will of course be more difficult to meet our artists and others as we no longer have premises, but Dáiddadállu is working to find a new and better solution, Dine Arnannguaq tells Fenger Lynge.
Will build a new Dáiddadállu
-We are working on a large project where we are investigating the possibilities of building our own Dáiddadállu based on our needs. It is a slow process, and until that happens, we must continue to rent premises. In Kautokeino, there are few premises suitable for us, but we are in contact with some landlords. Now that we have taken the step and are moving out of the work centre, we are working hard to create a better workplace for the artists and a better and more attractive venue to showcase the art. We are looking forward to Dáiddadállu's future, says Dine Arnannguaq Fenger Lynge and Máret Ánne Sara.