
Árvu Elle Márjá Eira 066 web

Elle Márjá Eira

  • 1983
  • Multikunstner
  • Kautokeino

Elle Márjá er multikunstner fra Kautokeino som de siste årene har markert seg både som artist på de store Internasjonale bransje festivalene, som filmmusikk komponist og som filmskaper. Hun briljerer i skjæringspunktet mellom joik, elektronika og urfolksmusikk. Gjennom sin kunst forteller hun personlige historier fra sin familiebakgrunn som reindriftssame. Konsertene er alltid sterkt visuelle med et audiovisuelt landskap som ofte omtales som gripende og poetiske. Med produsenten Morten H. Pettersen har de sammen skapt en helt egen sound. Hun er aktuell i bandet Snoweye sammen med verdensstjernene John Paul Jones og Lucy Parnell (UK/SÁ).

Elle Márjá har samarbeidet musikalsk sammen med filmkomponist Christophe Beck i spillefilmen «Den 12. mann» (2017) av Harald Zwart. Hun har skuespillererfaring fra Det Samiske Nasjonalteatret Beaivváš, og har komponert musikk til teaterstykket «Kvinnerommet» skrevet av Sven Henriksen. Hun har også regissert og produsert flere kortfilmer og musikkvideoer, og TV serier for NRK Sápmi. Elle Marja har hatt kunstutstillinger, og har spilt en rekke konserter og opptredener på festivaler og arrangementer i Norden. Hun har erfaring fra Internasjonale scener i USA, Canada, Russland, Kina, Tyskland, Litauen, Sverige, Guatemala, Brasil og Frankrike.

ARRAN360 Elle Marja Eira foto Anne Katja Gaup 35

Elle Márjá has written, directed and produced several short films (documentary and fiction) and music videos. She is one of the directors of the award-winning TV series POWER PLAY (NRK 2023) (two wins at Canneseries 2023, including Best Series). Elle Márjá is currently in development of the documentary KEVISELIE and in post-production with her directorial feature debut STOLEN (a Netflix Original Production, due for release 2024). She has also worked extensively in VR, including premiering her VR 360 film EALLU (Reindeerherd) at Árran 360 - The Sami Pavilion at Venice Biennale 2022.

Ann Helen Laestadius roman blir Netflix film

Elle Márjá Eira regisserer Netflix Stolen film som lanseres i 2024.

Skjermbilde 2024 01 04 kl 13 52 05

«Storytelling is about finding your own voice and figuring out what you want to say in your heart. Dreams have fascinated me since I was little. The idea that arises in your mind can create a universe in a dream. When you wake up from your sleep, you think that all this actually happened»

↳ Elle Márjá Eira, 2020
ARRAN360 Elle Marja Eira foto Anne Katja Gaup 22

Since 2005 she has also been touring Internationally as an artist with her music. Eira has composed film score to all of her film projects and also to other films in collaboration with different composers. In collaboration with film composer Christoph Beck, she has made joiks for The 12th Man (2017) directed by Harald Zwart. She also collaborates musically with John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin) and Lucy Parnell (Daughter) in the band Snoweye.


2018 GramArt scholarship

2015 Arctic Talent Music prize, Varangerfestivalen

«When it comes to music, I love to improvise both in studio and on stage. My concerts never sound exactly the same.»

↳ Elle Márjá Eira, 2023
Elle Marja Eira Mads Suhr Pettersen 9 G9 A1766

«I often collaborate with my own family and involve them in most things.»

Reindeer husbandry, nature, joik and relationships are the core of Elle Márjá's art. It is important for her to look back at the Sámi history. Her passion for filmmaking goes all the way back to childhood, and her mother always used to have a film camera available at home. When Elle Márjá was only eight years old she grabbed the camera and started filming. She makes personal films and aims to capture the essence of a specific time in a particular life.

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For Elle Márjá, film and music go hand in hand. Through her music and films, she not only recognizes melancholy as an integral force but also highlights the northern Sámi language, joik, traditions, culture, and a strong vision of decolonization. For the past 15 years, Elle Márjá has made films about reindeer herding in various formats, including visuals at her own concerts, short films (fiction and documentary), VR 360 and feature film. Since she started directing films, she has moved more and more into the composition of film music. Joik has been the basis for most of what she has done, both the traditional, experimental and improvisation.

Elle Márjá Eira IMDb side

Árvu Elle Márjá Eira 066 web